Duffel Bag

An eclectic collection of B-2/5 information. Note: Links will pop-up on separate pages.

A powerful first hand recollection of the Battle of Angels Wing, March 8 & 9, 1969,
“A Moment to Know,” by R. D. Blake, a member of 4th Pltn.

A brief history of the 2d / 5th, from August 1965 through December 1969.

Many thanks to Joe Dufort, for this tear sheet from the May 28th, 1969 issue of the “Cavalair,” reporting: “2/5 Finds Huge Cache, Hospital From Clue Given By Bde. Scouts,” as well awards and other interesting info. Click Here

A powerful first hand recollection of the Battle of Angels Wing, March 8 & 9, 1969,
“A Moment to Know,” by R. D. Blake, a member of 4th Pltn.

This is a terrific (2012) e-mail I received from Capt. Porter concerning the actions of Dec 2 and 3rd, 1968. It is reprinted here with his permission. – Thanks, Wayne!!
Actions Of Dec. 2&3, 1968, By Captain Wayne Porter

”The Letter” (Humor)

1st Cav Organizational Chart, 1965